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商品详细carbidellc/Calcium carbide/75-20-7
carbidellc/Calcium carbide/75-20-7
carbidellc/Calcium carbide/75-20-7
商品编号: 75-20-7
品牌: carbidellc
市场价: ¥0.00
美元价: 0.00
产地: United States
公司分类: Others
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com

At Carbide Industries, calcium carbide is all we do. Our company was built on calcium carbide for acetylene generation, and it remains the backbone of our business. We continue to grow as more steel mills and foundries realize the cost savings from carbide, plus we have barely touched the surface of potential uses in environmental and soil chemistry.How we make calcium carbide can be divided into the furnacing and packing processes. The furnace process takes the raw materials of , lime, and electricity and produces molten carbide. The packing end of the business then takes the cooled carbide, crushing and screening it to specifications and then packing the carbide in containers. Our ISO-certified quality system is in place to insure the consistency of every order.Calcium carbide is an inherently low-cost bulk material, so shipping and delivery is an opportunity for us to provide a value-added competitive business advantage to your operation.No business, no matter how well equipped, can possibly run well without good people, and you will find no finer group of knowledgeable and personable people anywhere. We take our role seriously as the flag bearer of North America's historically important carbide industry.Please click the topics at left to find out more about that history, and how we are dedicated to providing a customer experience worthy of a long-term business relationship.